The Frigate Roadhouse
We are the proud owners of 3 ducks and 13 chickens!
The Story of our Newest Family Members:
There are three parts to this story. How we met them, how we fed them, and how we got them. Last season we ordered produce from a service in Anchorage that got delivered weekly to our neighbor’s, Lisa and Sean’s house. Lisa told us to bring back any produce that went bad during the journey, and that she’d give it to her chickens and ducks. We asked if we could bring all of our food scraps over as well, to help minimize waste in our household.
Throughout last season, we fed these little guys and enjoyed a regular bounty of their delicious eggs. Once you experience duck eggs and home-grown chicken eggs, you will never want to go back to store bought!
Fast forward to this year, we find out Lisa and Sean are moving and need a home for our little friends! We instantly jumped on the idea of taking them in and got straight to work prepping a place to welcome them. Sean helped us put fencing up and even delivered us a chicken coop!
After some comical chicken and duck wrangling, we think they are enjoying their new home!
Stay tuned for lots of cute photos of the Frigate Roadhouse Farm
—Team Frigate