By early August, most small streams will have seen their first sockeye salmon spawn of the year. Trout, char and grayling will be there to eat the thousands of eggs in the system. We fish a number of small to mid-sized streams this time of year. Some walk and wade, others we use a jet boat, and for a few of them, we fly out with one of our small rafts and float for the day. In mid-August, we are drawn to the Kvichak River, where we await the first trophy trout of the season. Our operation keeps two boats on the Kvichak for anglers to fly to daily if they so choose.
August is also a great time for brown bear viewing, as concentrations of brown bears hunt for the best fishing places among the spawning salmon. silver salmon fishing also begins in August. We fish for these salmon on the Naknek, Alagnak, Nushagak and a few other locations we won’t name on the internet. Silver salmon love to eat flies, spinners and jigs, and they are very hard fighters.