September is a time of transition in Bristol Bay and conditions can change on a daily basis. Some of the smaller streams that had been fishing well the month before are starting to slow as salmon spawning numbers decrease. The good news is the Naknek will start to see the largest rainbow trout in Alaska make their appearance. We will also be fishing on the Kvichak for large rainbow trout and some other mid-sized rivers for rainbow trout and char. These fish will have been feeding on salmon eggs for the last month and will be incredibly healthy.
If you are looking for a trophy rainbow trout, September could be the month for you, as fish from 24” to 30” are very likely on the Naknek and Kvichak Rivers. September is also when we start to encounter some incredibly beautiful and incredibly large lake-run arctic char. To locate these fish, we fly to a few destinations within Becharof National Wildlife Refuge.
silver salmon fishing will be available until the early to middle of the month on the Naknek and possibly a few other fly-out destinations.