Guest Feature: Paula Harris
“Fly fishing honestly refreshes my soul.”
Fly fishing means something different to everyone. For some, it’s a chance to spend time with friends and for others, it’s a chance to put skills and research to the test. For Paula Harris, however, fly fishing goes a bit deeper. “For me, fly fishing gives me a chance to pause and reflect on who I am and who I really want to be,” said Harris. Harris began her fly fishing career nearly a decade ago when her husband, Bill, was planning a fly fishing trip to Alaska. It was one of those vacations she felt like she couldn’t miss, so she decided to pick up a fly rod and learn the sport. Since then, fly fishing has led to adventure after adventure. To Harris, fly fishing is unlike any other hobby. It gives her an opportunity to unplug from the world around her and devote her entire focus to the task at hand.
“Fly fishing honestly refreshes my soul. It makes me a better writer, better with my clients and it provides me with much needed refreshment,” said Harris. “It requires your full attention. You can’t hold your phone or drink a beer while fly fishing. That focus gets your mind off some of the everyday challenges.”
Some of her fondest memories are when she’s on the water watching Grizzly Bears out of the corner of her eye in the midst of her fishing. It’s hard for her to not stop and gaze at the exceptional beauty. The wildlife and beautiful surroundings are what make everything a fishing trip that much better. The small details of each day don’t go unnoticed. Whether it’s the unique color of the water or the bear dung surrounding her as she’s eating lunch, a full immersion into the outdoors provides her with an adrenaline that is challenging to find anywhere else.
Her adventures around the world in her early days of fly fishing eventually helped her cross paths with Justin Crump. Paula and her husband first met Justin about a decade ago in Alaska. Three years later, they became regular clients of Justin and Kate at their lodge in Oregon. Their initial interactions with them has them returning as often as possible.
“With Justin and Kate, it’s the attention to detail that makes them so special,” Harris said. “It’s the hot soup on the river, their knowledge, their personality, and their attention to detail. They provide a personalized experience and everything is carefully managed. Even small things like preparing meals for any food sensitivity is a priority. They know how to create a wonderful experience.” While the special accommodations are an added blessing, Paula finds her true joy when she’s in nature. Her willingness to travel by plane, boat and foot to extremely remote locations has allowed her to have numerous jaw-dropping experiences. Often, it doesn’t even matter if she is landing fish. If she knows she’s in a place where few have traveled, she’s content. However, this doesn’t stop her from appreciating her own surroundings. This type of mindset is what drives her to be successful.
“Success to me means you’re able to find beauty in every single day,” says Harris. “I’ve been fortunate enough to travel to some amazing places, but I think it’s important for us to all appreciate what we may have in our own backyard.” The fishing situations Harris finds herself in aren’t always the easiest, but it’s what motivates her to continue to improve as an angler. The more she grows, the more confident she’ll be and the more challenging trips she’ll be able to do. She strives to make the most of each of her trips and that includes maximizing her time on the water. She knows these trips aren’t always a guarantee, so it’s vital to take advantage of every opportunity she receives.
The new fly fishing lodge being opened this summer by Justin and Kate gives her more excitement to travel than ever. “I’m excited for Justin and Kate to be able to control the entire experience,” said Harris. “They can deliver the best experience possible. The love poured into that lodge is going to be special to witness. I cannot wait to see how a smaller lodge is going to deliver a world-class experience.”
While Harris is not on the water, she works as a financial advisor and has written her own book titled Rise Up: A Widow’s Journal: A place to gather and reflect on your journey. On top of her work in finances in writing, she is a certified “Jack Canfield Methodology Trainer” in Jack Canfield’s Success Principles. You can get a weekly pep talk from Paula on her YouTube Channel. Her series “Wisdom Wednesday’s” offers viewers a chance to reflect on their current situation and receive motivation to continue living the life they were called to live.
Paula Harris with an Oregon Coast Steelhead 2022